If you're using Laravel Jetstream with teams, you may have found you're getting the "ErrorException: Trying to get property 'id' of non-object" a whole lot during testing. This is because when you create a User from a factory, the team and team_user pivot table are not automatically created or filled.
To fix this create a TeamFactory, and create the new user within the definition() method:
public function definition()
return [
'user_id' => User::factory()->create(),
'name' => $this->faker->words(2, true),
'personal_team' => true,
Then, add the HasFactory trait to your Team model:
use HasFactory
And when you need to seed a User, seed a Team instead:
TIP: A common usecase of the TestCase class is to create a signIn() method to use in your PHPUnit tests. You can still do that by changing your signIn method to the following:
public function signIn($user = null)
$team = Team::factory()->create();
$this->actingAs($user ?: $user = User::whereId($team->user_id)->first());
return $user;