Perry James

Things I like:


Backend framework of choice. I love building custom apps with Laravel. You can see a recent example at This side-project was built with the 'VILT' stack (Vue, Inertia, Laravel, Tailwind), and deployed to Vapor. I've also made use of several packages and third party API's (Laravel Scout, IBM Cloud, Lexicala dictionary), and integrated other third party packages on the front end.

Besides Laravel I have also used some 'headless' services as backends when clients need more control (Sanity, Contentful, Strapi).

Check out my Chinese character search site built with Laravel. Chinese characters are composed of a 'radical' and a component, but they're not always easily identifiable. Try searching any character to see its radicals, eg 雇佣我.

I webscraped all the characters and radicals from a dictionary website using Guzzle and Symfony's dom-crawler. Then I used Laravel Livewire to handle the ajax and render the components. I did use a bit of Vue but it doesn't integrate well with Livewire, so I may swap it out for Alpine if I need more features. I also plan on scraping the components and adding compatibility for traditional Chinese characters.